As the 2023 skin cancer screening program comes to a close, it's time to commence planning for the 2024 screening program.
The 2023 program has been highly successful, and by the close of the screening year in early December, 28 Lions Clubs will be hosted, and three private screenings will have been completed. During the year, an excellent relationship has been established between screeners and host club members, reflected in the overall success of all screenings.
All C District Lions Clubs are now invited to submit to the undersigned prior to the 31st of October 2023 a written application for participation in the 2024 program.
Hosting Clubs should note that they would be responsible for providing a suitable standing area for the 19-metre mobile screening unit (preferably with nearby public toilet facilities), as well as organising a light morning tea and lunch for members of the screening team.
Each District has an appointed liaison officer through whom all arrangements will be made once the screening program has been agreed to.
Clubs have found that the Lions' free skin cancer screening program has proved to be exceptionally popular when utilised as a positive promotion of Community Service as delivered by Lions Clubs and a very satisfying and social event for the members. Screenings are an opportune time to promote your Lions Club locally. We encourage host Clubs to have membership pamphlets and information available to the public at screenings. Local media and advertising also assist in this promotion.
As more screenings are undertaken so expenses increase. On-site cash or “Tap as You Go” donations from members of the public are very much appreciated but represent only a tiny percentage of the costs involved in individual screenings. Donations from C District Lions Clubs currently finance the program. Still, it goes without saying that with more screenings, further financial support from C District Lions Clubs will also be greatly appreciated and contribute to the program's longevity.
For more information, contact:
PDG Bryan Hearn OAM JP
LMRF Skin Cancer Screening Subcommittee Chairperson
Home 08 8323 7924
Mobile 0410 539 274